New Studio Space

After spending some time sharing space with another photographer so I can get my feet wet so to speak. It is now time that I get a space of my own. This new studio space is 950 square feet and It will be located in Bunnell still on 100 directly facing the street. It will be in the Osteria Restaurant plaza across the street from Alpha Thift store where I was previously. The big move will take place in Sept. I am very excited and also very nervous about this HUGE adventure. It will take some time to get it where I want it to be. But I know it will be amazing non the less. I would really appreciate any and all support as my bills are almost tripling. Take advantage of my fall minis. I may even throw in some bonus pictures if you mention this blog and give an additional $25 off the session fee ;)

Anyway check out the pictures of it. The flooring is being finished up now and I will get my keys Sept 1, 2022.

This is right as you walk into the front door. I will place a desk behind the counter along with my computer and a seating area for clients to view their galleries.

This is the main shooting area. The floors are being done now.

Here is the outside before you walk into the studio. I plan on having pictures in the window, my info on the door and the sign will be changed to my info

This area is where I will store all my props and will also have a fridge, table and chairs for my clients to sit back and relax while I take pictures of their little ones.

I will be in need of many items. If you come across anything that is not costly or would like to donate to help a sista out here are a few pictures of the style I am looking to do. I am going to immediately need a desk and seats. I will also eventually need a couch, table, chairs and other vintage miscellaneous items.


Down Syndrome Awareness


Fall Mini Sessions